• Chip


    Hartford, Connecticut

    A devoted father, a fly husband, a program manager, a dedicated philanthropist, and a shrewd investment manager—these are facets of my identity. As the CEO of Prolific Society, I lead with humility, recognizing that my position is not an elevation but a responsibility. My passion lies in fostering camaraderie and empowerment. I firmly believe that genuine success is attained when everyone emerges victorious.

  • Demetrius

    Vice President

    Hartford, Connecticut

    A father, manager, community investor, book club founder, community advocate, and keynote speaker with over 15 years of experience. I am a manager in the Aerospace Industry and I am passionate about empowering underserved communities and those who have been incarcerated, and I am committed to helping us all achieve new levels of professional success.

  • JeVon

    Stock Analyst

    Hartford, Connecticut

    A loving father investor and basketball enthusiast, I strive to balance my passions for family and finance. By day, I immerse myself in the exciting world of day trading stocks, constantly seeking new opportunities and strategies. In my free time, I hit the court with my kids and coach their youth teams, instilling in them the importance of hard work and dedication.

  • Jordy

    Content Advisor

    Hatford, Connecticut

    A dedicated father investor, and husband with a strong commitment to structure. I ensure the smooth operation of the team, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity for the overall business. My attention to detail and work ethic are invaluable assets to what we do. Go Jets!

  • Johnny

    Media Director

    Cleveland, Ohio

    A loving father and investor driven by a strong desire to help others and make a difference in the lives of those around me. My unwavering dedication to bettering the lives of others is my most valuable asset, allowing me to make informed and practical decisions that benefit me, the team, and the community.

  • Greg


    Krosno, Poland

    A father, husband, investor, and a master mechanic who has a passion for working with my hands and fixing things. My skillset brings balance to the team because I keep things orginized and I keep things working.

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What Inspired Prolific Society?

"Despite our name, we originally began operating quietly. We were basically a group of hard-working individuals who wanted a brighter future for ourselves and our families as well as the time to enjoy it. We got together, talked it over, and we all agreed to take control of our lives to realize it.”

Prolific Society Is Known To Have Only Eight Members. Any Plans To Accept More?

“We’ve been getting that question a lot recently. To be honest, eight is a pretty good number for us. We’re able to consolidate large quantities of capital while ensuring that our investment directions are thoughtful and controlled. We’re all on the same page, and that’s something you start losing pretty quickly as membership increases

Although we don't plan to expand we're all about empowering others and building strong relationships.  We will launch a clothing brand, and be active in charity and other community endowments that will allow our supporters to collaborate with us" 

How Does Prolific Society Work?

“Together, fundamentally. We work together -- that’s the strength to our success. Technically speaking, we meet and discuss investment options, viability, potential risks and returns. Each of us investigates certain opportunities, and we decide together what to invest in..”

Prolific Society Recently Began A New Brand And Clothing Line. After All Your Successes In Financial Markets, Why Now?

“We've always made custom Prolific Society clothing for ourselves because we grew tired of what retail had to offer. A couple of the members in the club have fashion degrees so we take our brand pretty seriously. We feel good when we put Prolific Society threads on our back. We want society to feel good too. 

What Types Of Apparel Does Prolific Society Produce, So Far, And Why?

“Currently our brand focuses on many different styles we typically wear. Have you ever heard of the ‘enclothed cognition’ effect? There were studies that showed how the clothing or uniform a person wears affects their self-perception, and by extension their real-world performance. That is Prolific Society clothing, every garment is designed to increase your drive and motivation the second you put it on."

If You Could Give One Piece Of Advice To Entrepreneurs Who Would Follow In Your Footsteps, What Would It Be?

“It would be hard to choose just one, there are a few critical aspects to success. But whatever it is your do, try to do it as a team! We respect the individual grind, but two heads are better than one when they operate in together.”